Harmony Performing Arts Academy and Harmony Casting are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.
The purpose of this policy is to outline the duty and responsibility of employees, volunteers and
other professionals, working on behalf of Harmony Performing Arts Academy and Harmony Casting in relation to the protection of children.
All children have the right to be safe from harm and should be able to live free from fear of abuse,
neglect and exploitation.
Harmony Performing Arts Academy and Harmony Casting will undertake Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) checks with all staff, volunteers and other professionals e.g. Chaperones, working on behalf of Harmony Performing Arts Academy and Harmony Casting.
All new staff/volunteers will be required to provide two references.
We will ensure that all employees/volunteers have appropriate qualifications and training.
Harmony Performing Arts Academy and Harmony Casting ensure that all information regarding the children is stored safely, securely and is compliant with the Data Protection Act.
Last updated 01/08/2023